5 Natural Hair Rules T.Rowe Can’t Live Without!



A lot of naturals approach me and ask me what I do to my hair, what products I use, and how I achieve certain hair styles. I have decided to hit the blog and let you guys in on my top 5 hair rules! Annnd, I will include a list of all the products I use for my hair on a regular basis. Enjoy ladies!

1)    Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize!! Water is SOOOO important for our hair and so many naturals don’t realize that simply moisturizing your hair daily can be the start of something BEAUTIFUL! In the beginning I was terrible about moisturizing my hair because I didn’t always want my hair wet, or have time to style it. I thought I could pull off that 2nd day, 3rd day hair nonsense and I LIED! That doesn’t work for my hair, so my styles usually only last one day. Since this is the case, I have no problem moisturizing on the regular! My spray bottle contains water & Giovanni Direct Leave-In Weightless Moisture Conditioner. Spray, Spray, Spray!

(Another Tip) I read up on Aloe Vera juice and gel for hair, and it does wonders for adding extra moisture after shampooing and conditioning! It is also good for a pre-moisturizer before wash-n-go’s! Apparently it works well with the gel! Also, DEEP condition! Deep conditioning provides extra nourishment and moisture for the hair! It’s IMPORTANT! Try to do so at least once every 2 weeks!

2)    Choose styles that work for you. When my hair finally got long enough to do decent twist-outs, I was always doing plain-Jane twist-outs. I would always have gaps, thin spots, and lifeless ends. I hated the way my twist-outs were looking. Then…I discovered FLAT Twists! This was my ride or die go-to style errrday! Ya’ll hear me?! I loved the volume, there were no gaps or thin spots, and the definition was great depending on how big or small I made the flat twists. BUT…the ends were still not curling how I wanted them to….so I started adding perm rods to the ends of my twist and BAM! Perfection! You just have to play around with your hair and find what works for you. I know naturals that prefer braid-outs over twist-outs, and vice versa. Experiment with ALL types of styles until you find what you love…then ROCK IT FIERCELY!

3)   Always have a “Go-To” style! Now, I’m no stranger to waking up in the morning looking like Chief Keef and not knowing what the heck I’m going to do with my hair! There have been days I am running late for work, or my girls pop up on me and want to do SHENANIGANS so I have to do something with my hair and FAST! Other days I’m just sitting in the mirror contemplating Amber Rose’ing this ish because I have totally given up on ever having a good hair day again! Sometimes I even sacrifice going to bed sexy and go to sleep on my ASAP Rocky tip (hair twisted and ready to go!) and when I wake up, I have the twist-out results from HELL! On these days you need a go-to style that you know you can ALWAYS rock and look good. Mine happens to be a sleek puff! I can beat my face and get some edge control on them front hairs and when I get that big’ol puff whipped into shape can’t nobody tell me NOTHIN hunny! Find a style that is quick, easy, and cute for you. This will eliminate stress on bad hair days. There is nothing worse than re-considering going natural every day of your life when your hair doesn’t want to co-operate. Having a go-to style has been a lifesaver!

4)    Know your hair! Always do as much research as you possibly can to find out what kind of hair you have and what works best for you. Know what porosity hair you have, what curl pattern you have, and what products work for you. Know if your hair detangles better soaking wet or damp. Know what products your hair loves, and what products it hates! Know when your hair is not acting right or being itself! Learning your hair is the best way to keep it healthy.  A little research ain’t never hurt nobody! Look at what other naturals say works for their hair, and for the love of sweet baby Jesus, when you You-Tube hair tutorials, look at girls that have HAIR LIKE YOU! Ain’t nothing worse than a 4c natural looking at hair tutorials from a 3a natural and wondering why their curls don’t look like hers! Be REALISTIC LADIES!

5)   Lastly, protect your hair! Wear a bonnet to bed! Use a satin/silk pillow case, heck…do both! EMBRACE PROTECTIVE STYLING! Even if you can’t get braids or sew-ins, a simple bun is still a protective style. Guarding the ends of your hair is the main goal. Even twist-outs and braid-outs are protective styles if worn for days or pinned up to reduce touching, combing, and hair breakage and shedding.

Following these simple rules and establishing a sure fire hair regimen is the key to growth and bangin hair! Embrace your locks, work what God gave you, and KILL THE GAME my natural sisters! Love you all!


Fav Conditioner: Tresseme Naturals & Herbal Essence Hello Hydration (these provide GREAT moisture and slip[!)

Fav Leave-In-: Giovanni Direct Leave-In Weightless Moisture Conditioner

Fav Moisturizing Cream- Cantu Shea Butter Leave In Conditioning Repair Cream

Fav Deep Conditioner: Good ol’ Coconut Oil! Or Aubrey Organics GPB Deep Conditioner!

What are your favs? Let me know! Leave comments and questions below! Show me love folks!

Peace out,

T-Rowe xoxo

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