Monthly Archives: July 2013

I’ve been praying for a man…



I’ve been praying for a man who doesn’t live for this world, but lives for God

I’ve been praying for a man that will first kiss my forehead in adoration before he rushes to kiss my lips 

I’ve been praying for a man who seeks to understand the insides of my mind before he seeks to feel the insides of my body

I’ve been praying for a man that doesn’t want my body for just one night, but for the rest of our lives

I’ve been praying for a man that doesn’t want me to get down on my knees unless we’re praying with each other

I’ve been praying for a man who isn’t thirsty for attention, but hungry for success

I’ve been praying for a man who will listen close to learn my heartbeat and not listen to rumors and naysayers

I’ve been praying for a man who will grab me only to keep me from falling, and never out of anger

I’ve been praying for a man that won’t fight with me, but will fight for me

I’ve been praying for a man who still believes chivalry is alive and well

I’ve been praying for a man who walks on the side of the road closest to traffic because his daddy taught him that

I’ve been praying for a man that opens doors because he knows his momma was a queen and what was good for her is good for his woman

I’ve been praying for a man that wants to be aroused more than sexually, a man that allows his mind to be aroused with stimulating conversation

I’ve been praying for a man that will never fall to his knees out of weakness, but will fall to his knees in order to propose to the love of his life

 I’ve been praying for a man who doesn’t have to stare at multiple women because he’s already stared into my soul and caught a glimpse of a future that far surpasses the temptation of wandering eyes

I’ve been praying for a man who loves on purpose, and doesn’t play games with a woman’s heart

I’ve been praying for a man that understands wholeheartedly that he was created perfectly for the woman who prayed every night for him

I’ve been praying for a man….and not just any man….

T.Rowe ❤

24 Things T.Rowe Has Learned In 24 years.



  1. You REALLY can do bad all by yourself. It doesn’t make sense to have a miserable life just to be able to say you have someone.
  2. Don’t burn bridges unless you are certain that you’ll NEVER have to cross them again.
  3. If a man can talk about making a baby with you, but can’t part his lips to say KAY Jewelers or ZALES….RUNNNNN Girl RUNNNNN!
  4. “Don’t fear the enemy that attacks you, but the fake friend that hugs you.”
  5. Having a grudge against someone you’ve never met just because your friend doesn’t like them is childish. You’re only limiting yourself and bringing about extra drama.
  6. Guys will HATE your natural hair when you have a low fade or small fro, but when it’s long they WILL want to touch it. If they were hating in the beginning, HIT EM WITH THAT HEISMAN and don’t let them touch!
  7. “Promise rings are jokes. If you want to make a promise to T.Rowe, buy me a promise car…hell, a promise house! That will insure you stay around.
  8. Rescue a guy from the friend zone every once in a while. Sometimes we prematurely place guys into the friend zone and hey, if they hang out with you all of the time, know all of your flaws and have seen you at your worst and STILL stick around, they may be more than friend material.
  9. REJECTION is a humbling experience! If you have never been rejected, brace yourselves. It’s not pretty…but it builds character.
  10. Confess your sins to God and GOD only! What you do is nobody else’s business. –(My mother’s wisdom)<3
  11. Make time for family! Visit your parents. If you can’t visit, Skype or call. You’ll regret not making the effort if anything ever happens to them.  
  12. Share your testimony whenever you can! It’s not bragging…you never know who’s going through the same thing as you. You’re blessing may be fuel to their fire.
  13. If you’re serious about your church life, you won’t do ANYTHING on a Saturday night that would hinder you from making it to church on Sunday Morning. The club does NOT get you through a rough week, but that good message from the Lord will! (It took me a while to learn this one, but I’m glad I finally got my priorities straight!)
  14. Minding your own business is a LIBERATING experience! Do it often!
  15. Be mindful that your dreams are not meant to be shared with everybody. People can know your dreams and deepest desires, and secretly do everything in their power to keep them from happening.
  16. Being ride or die doesn’t kick in until there is a ring on a finger. Too many females are willing to “ride” for a man that hasn’t even let them in the car yet.
  17. “Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace is counted wise; and he that shutteth his lips is esteemed a man of understanding.”
  18. You may not always be able to change people’s image of you, but you can always change your image of yourself. You’re opinion is the one that really matters anyway right? Give yourself as many SECOND CHANCES as you need.
  19. If a man is not interested in what your goals and dreams are, chances are he’s not trying to make you his wife. Even worse, men that steer clear of those topics probably have no goals and dreams of their own.
  20. Watch for people that are apart of EVERYBODY’S clique. Those types of people usually have limited loyalties and are quick to gossip.
  21. That was then…this is now. People change. Give them a chance to show you they have. FORGIVE! Even when you don’t want to.
  22. For some people…it’s all about the CHASE. Once the thrill is gone, so are they. Beware of thrill seekers and don’t make the catch so easy. (My dad’s wisdom) ❤
  23. BULLYING IS WRONG. If you associate with people that bully others, or laugh at people being bullied keep in mind that karma loves those who are guilty by association just the same.
  24. True trials and tribulation will teach you how to really praise! True heartache will make you unafraid to shout! Praise God in the midst of EVERY struggle.

Thank you all for reading! I love you always!
